I took out a personal loan several months after I moved here six years ago to pay off my US credit card debt. Due to a lot of reasons, I had a huge amount of credit card debt and it was becoming unmanageable to make the various payments, the interest rates were going insane, I was getting hit with late payments, problems with foreign addresses, etc (sounds a bit like your student loans, though I wasn't having to deal with the credit card debt being sold off).
Somehow, I actually qualified (see the numerous threads about credit and credit history from various UKY folks to see how miraculous this actually is so early into a move) for a personal loan through my bank. I was then able to pay all the US debt off and I had one payment to make here, at a much lower interest rate than the credit cards, and I could make payments through direct debit on my bank. I fully paid this loan off last year and I am 100% debt free now.
So, I personally think that if you can qualify for the personal loans and you can manage the payments and you fully research all your options for interest rates and see if it's actually worth doing all of this, than it will probably work in your favour.
Good luck!!