Well it's now just under 3 months until my US license expires and I've only had 1 lesson - in a rather large Audi manual. The instructor said she could tell I'd been driving a while and the only thing I didn't do was check my mirrors enough, and also was a bit too close to the left side of the road, but I chalk that up to her gigantic car.
I'm fine driving a manual in the US, but I'm not arsed with it here; it's just too much of a faff. My car is automatic anyway (1993 Rover Metro, which is small and better for the narrow British roads), so I'm fine taking it in an automatic and having an automatic driving license.
Anyway, I already messaged Stephanie about her theory materials, but if anyone else has any DVD's, books, etc., that they'd like to offer up to this last-minute Yankee who needs to get cracking I'd appreciate it! I'm in Manchester and can collect locally, or happy to pay postage for materials outside of the local area.