Just wanted to share...
When I went to USA the end of Oct. I had to change planes in Chicago and of course clear customs, gather my bags and recheck them with my connecting airline. I flew Air India in and had to connect to American Airlines in Chicago. So I get to Chicago and take my place in a very short passport control line. The man looks at my passport, scans it and told me I had a nice picture and then sort of started to give me grief. "So youre a UK resident why are you visiting the USA?"
"Visiting family"
"Just for a week?"
"Are you married? Why are you travelling alone?"
"Husband at home with my sons. Sons have expired passports"
"why is that"
blah blah blah.....
Finally went to gather my bags. And as I started to proceed to the AA counter I got stopped by a customs officer.... again, more of the same questions... AND
"Excuse me m'am..can I see your card and passport"
"Yes, Im just going to check in at AA"
"WE'LL discuss THAT after we're done"
(what the hell?)
"purpose visiting the USA?" same, same, same...
"Whats your occupation in the UK?"
"Stay at home mom at the moment"
"Well how do you support yourself then?"
"My husband takes care of us"
"Wish MY wife was like that" (rat ba$tard!!)
"Where does your husband work?"
I told him and he actually wrote down the name of my husbands company on my card. What a joke! I was traveling alone, I had an American passport and speak fluent English. I was standing in line with people with US passports that English wasnt even their first language and they chose to stop ME. I was really ticked off. I have never had a problem at all in any country before but if I anticipated any problems at all I would think it would be on entry to the UK not my own native country. Upon entry to the UK I was asked how I got my leave to stay stamp and I said marriage and they just said "welcome home" and stamped me in. No probs.