I don't think the 'Whipped' philly or other cream cheese is available, but I did find something called 'Almette' (
http://www.almette.co.uk/), which makes a pretty acceptable substitute. It's got the right consistency, but is maybe slightly less 'tangy' in flavor.
Of course, your other option is to buy regular cream cheese, and then whip it yourself. I don't think there's any magic to it-- it's just got extra air, so why pay for that? Use an electric mixer, add in any extra flavorings you might want (cinnamon, honey, cocoa, taco seasoning), and store it in an air-tight container in the fridge. There's a 'recipe' here:
http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/whipped-cream-cheese, which calls for adding a little milk while you're whipping, but I don't know if that's strictly necessary