You also need to include 2 passport photos of your wife with her full name on the back and one of yourself with your full name on the back (as per the instructions on the FLR(M) form).
You don't need any birth certificates and if you are applying in person, you don't need an applicant letter or a sponsor letter either... because you will be there in person to talk to them about your application.
If you are renting and have a tenancy agreement with both your names on, you don't need anything else for the accommodation. A land registry document would only be required if you own your own property or are living with family who own their own property.
Otherwise, you include everything that you included for the fiance visa, but with your marriage certificate instead of evidence of plans to marry. The relationship evidence isn't as important though as you are now married and are living together (so don't have to prove that you are in regular contact while living apart).
You are also supposed to include 6 documents addressed to both of you at the same addressed as evidence of living together since she arrived in the UK in July. So, if you have any official documents addressed to both of you, either jointly or separately (either 6 joint or 12 separate or a combination of both), you need to include those too (the acceptable documents and instructions for this are on the FLR(M) form).
As you are applying in person, it's a good idea to take with you more than you need in terms of documents, rather than less, because you can always then just produce the extra ones if you are asked for them.