Hi All,
This is a question about future earnings and tax (from a complete newbie on the subject).
I have dual nationality, and have lived here most of my life for the past 30 years.
I am currently earning an average amount in the UK, and although I file with the IRS in addition to HMRC, I've never had to pay any extra to them in addition to my UK payments.
My question is, if I am successful in my career and begin to earn say in excess of £100-200k or equivalent, does the tax agreement still hold in the same way or would I be double taxed after a certain point?
The reason I ask is that I've been tentatively thinking about moving to the USA anyway to be closer to family and experience the life out there. The work I do is literary so could be done from either UK or USA.
Thank you for your help, any thoughts or insights on this would be greatly appreciated as I know virtually nothing about higher earnings brackets.