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Topic: Inverness Info?  (Read 1548 times)

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Inverness Info?
« on: December 17, 2015, 02:38:20 PM »
I'll be moving to Inverness at the end of January.  Although I've already been in the UK for several years, I'm actually finding this move more daunting than the Transatlantic one!  But I know there are at least one or two Invernessians about, so I thought I'd ask for recommendations.

The first concern is housing.  I'm trying to find a short/flexible-term place for just myself (studio/bedsit, flatshare, etc.), so I can start my new job, while DH & I look for a suitably dog-friendly, long-term rental.  I've checked Gumtree, and the main flatshare/roommate sites, but not had a lot of luck, and the self-catering holiday lets are all WAY out of my price range.  Is there anywhere else I should be looking? Any Facebook or Reddit groups, student housing, etc.?  (On the off-chance that anyone knows someone with something for let, PM me.)

My other big concern is finding a new GP and dentist.  We've been really fortunate here, on both counts, and I'm anxious to find a GP who'll take me seriously (I've got multiple, chronic autoimmune disorders, as well as ADHD, and there's still a real lack of awareness of both conditions), as well as a dentist who's up to par.  So, I'd appreciate any recommendations (or warnings!).

Beyond that, I'd be grateful for any tips, hints or recommendations regarding the town, generally: places to go, stuff to do, etc.  We're pretty familiar with supermarkets, cinemas, and touristy stuff, but it'd be nice to know about niche shops, makers'/hobby groups, book clubs, and opportunities for geekiness.   

Thanks for any info you might have!  And maybe we'll plan an Inverness/Highlands meet-up in the New Year. :)

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Re: Inverness Info?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2015, 05:45:38 PM »
I'll be moving to Inverness at the end of January.

Yay!  I'm really pleased for you!

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Re: Inverness Info?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2015, 12:09:10 AM »
Thanks!  :)

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