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Topic: Quitting London  (Read 1458 times)

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Quitting London
« on: December 17, 2015, 10:07:15 AM »
Yes! Finally have the dear wife sold and she has joined me in my quest to break out of this jungle!

I love London, its a great city, I just don't want to live and work in it everyday. I've worked and socialized from Piccadilly to the Square Mile. I've done the THING. You know? And it's becoming less inspiring by the day. I've just wrapped up a work contract, our house has appreciated a fair bit (thank you CRAZY housing policies!) and our mortgage is moving to a floating interest rate this month. So the time is now.

Anyone else quit London? I feel like I haven't even lived in England in the three years I've been here. What's it like breaking out? My wife and I aren't sold on where we are going but are considering Cornwall, Dorset or greater Southampton. Somewhere on the south coast that is still rather lively and robust but also more communal and closer to nature. If I could put Bristol on the south coast... I would. Know what I mean?

Anyone live in some great places down there? Would like to take a couple weekends this/next month to really start exploring.

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Re: Quitting London
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2015, 10:23:49 AM »
You don't even have to go very far outside of London to 'break out'.  I left Zone 1 recently for the commuter belt after 10 years and feel like I'm really living in England for the first time. Destinations?  It depends on whether you're tethered to central London for work and what kind of commute you want in terms of time and cost.  If you're truly free, then so many choices!  I'd also gravitate to the south coast, probably Dorset.  ;-)

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Re: Quitting London
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2015, 10:41:58 AM »
You don't even have to go very far outside of London to 'break out'.  I left Zone 1 recently for the commuter belt after 10 years and feel like I'm really living in England for the first time. Destinations?  It depends on whether you're tethered to central London for work and what kind of commute you want in terms of time and cost.  If you're truly free, then so many choices!  I'd also gravitate to the south coast, probably Dorset.  ;-)

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Living in Richmond Upon Thames already. Great area but very expensive. While places like Teddington or Twickenham still have a village feel it's still not quite free from being sucked into the massive urban expanse and all things that come with it. Pretty sure I want out of the M25 and don't want to work in London.  8)

Fixated on the coast.

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Re: Quitting London
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2015, 11:01:53 AM »
I live in Dorset, it's the best place in the world :). Cornwall is also great. I wouldn't go to Southampton myself, but if you want a city have you considered Plymouth?
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Les yeux dans les mêmes reflets,
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