I'm a Brit who's moving to the US in a year for work. I hope you don't mind me asking questions from the "wrong" side but there's probably a lot of relevant expertise here
I have some cash to invest and would prefer to put it in UK funds (e.g. Vanguard LifeStrategy) but I don't want fall foul of PFIC rules when I move, pushing that option off the table. I don't intend to move to the US permanently so I want something that I can keep regardless of which country I'm in (e.g., if I buy a LifeStrategy fund in the US I'll have to sell, maybe at a loss, before returning to the UK to avoid HMRC's punitive taxation).
A portfolio of US-domiciled UK reporting funds is all I can think of for this. So, questions:
1) how does one report dividends/gains on sale from a US fund (e.g. VTI) to HMRC? I've never held fund, let alone one offshore, so I don't know the mechanics of this operation.
2) will the IRS withhold anything while I'm in the UK?
3) given I intend to return to the UK somewhen does the exchange rate risk I'd face (investments in USD, but want to spend GBP) make this a stupid idea?