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Topic: The moaning life  (Read 1664 times)

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The moaning life
« on: March 07, 2016, 09:30:11 PM »
Over the last couple days, I've been getting so aggravated with the amount of moaning I encounter. Not on this board. And I appreciate that I'm about to have a major moan about moaning

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2016, 10:22:51 PM »
Well? Details....... You can't just threaten to moan/complain about. I'll help you out.......
1. Car seat is too cold
2. Scraping ice off car
3. Terrible choice of ice cream here (one of my favorites)

I have a million of em'

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2016, 07:52:29 AM »
Are we opening this up?

1. Osbourne
2. Cameron
3. Hunt
4. May
5. IDS
6. Gove

Oh hell here's the full list:

I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair. - AOC

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2016, 08:09:12 AM »
Omg it totally cut off my moan!!!!
People moaning that their other half didn't get them a mothers day card
Moaning that their other half did get them a mothers day card (they aren't his mother)
I can't remember the others now :(
Except if you offer an opinion that differs from the majority, 20 people tell you that you are wrong and how you should think.

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2016, 08:12:19 AM »
Are we opening this up?

1. Osbourne
2. Cameron
3. Hunt
4. May
5. IDS
6. Gove

Oh hell here's the full list:


Nope.....these don't count.... definitely not for moaning. They (and most politicians) fit into the fear/hopelessness/depressing category.  ;) ;) For moaning it's got to be a list of just small things that add up to a real moan.  Shoelace breaks, split ends, getting older, too hot, too cold, I'm hungry, I'm tired, ......hey!! but for the split ends....this is me!!!

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2016, 08:16:08 AM »
Omg it totally cut off my moan!!!!
People moaning that their other half didn't get them a mothers day card
Moaning that their other half did get them a mothers day card (they aren't his mother)
I can't remember the others now :(

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Yep....these are good moans.....I knew you could do it :D   Even not being able to remember ;D

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2016, 08:42:18 AM »
Oh my favourite was a co worker moaned it was too cold. Took a last minute holiday to Lanzarote. When they came back I asked her how it was, she replied 'it was too hot, we stayed in the air conditioning all day'

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2016, 08:56:45 AM »
Oh my favourite was a co worker moaned it was too cold. Took a last minute holiday to Lanzarote. When they came back I asked her how it was, she replied 'it was too hot, we stayed in the air conditioning all day'

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HA HA HA HA!!!  That is funny!

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2016, 09:42:15 AM »
Nope.....these don't count.... definitely not for moaning. They (and most politicians) fit into the fear/hopelessness/depressing category.  ;) ;) For moaning it's got to be a list of just small things that add up to a real moan.  Shoelace breaks, split ends, getting older, too hot, too cold, I'm hungry, I'm tired, ......hey!! but for the split ends....this is me!!!

Hey I usually start with Global Warming, world over-population and religious extremism....

But I'll give it a go.....my across-the-street-neighbour always parks up on the pavement in front of my house (giant Audi SUV). It boils my blood because we are on a curve and she has a bit of an attitude.

It all all started when I signed for a big package for her one day....which I see as doing a neighbour a favour. I think she sees it slightly differently. That evening I am right in the middle of making dinner....at a tricky little point in the process.....and she sends son over to ask for it. It is a huge package, the kid is like 7, so I grab it and lug it across the street....fully expecting to hear the smoke alarm....but risking it.

This lady opens the door and sort of imperiously says, "Oh.....that goes on the top level." Three story house....

So I plonk it down in the doorway and say something like, "Be sure and lift with the legs....I have to de-glaze now...."

Now she's on the pavement in front of my house...
I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair. - AOC

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2016, 10:53:04 AM »
WOW SoS!!!!  I am always so grateful when a neighbour takes a package in for me.  I can't imagine acting so entitled!!

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2016, 11:20:43 AM »
Yeah....luckily I rarely see that kind of person. My wife and I are both fairly young (under 60) and one of us is almost always home.....we seem to be the "go to" people to hold on to packages for the delivery people. We are fine with that.....it's not like it's hard.

Now.....if I could just get the neighbour behind us to prune his trees. He said he would.....not a branch so far. The neighbour to my side is pretty pissed off as well. All the trees on that side block the sun. The good thing is we harvest a fair amount of apples from the tree....my wife likes to make apple crumble (ick for me). But we would rather have sun.

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2016, 12:20:27 PM »
Yeah....luckily I rarely see that kind of person. My wife and I are both fairly young (under 60) and one of us is almost always home.....we seem to be the "go to" people to hold on to packages for the delivery people. We are fine with that.....it's not like it's hard.

Now.....if I could just get the neighbour behind us to prune his trees. He said he would.....not a branch so far. The neighbour to my side is pretty pissed off as well. All the trees on that side block the sun. The good thing is we harvest a fair amount of apples from the tree....my wife likes to make apple crumble (ick for me). But we would rather have sun.

Fun fact that is awkward as anything...

You are allowed to cut anything that overhangs your property line (if it's not a protected tree).  BUT - you have to return the clippings to the owner.  So you can hack away at the tree, just be sure to throw the clippings back over the fence.   :P

Not weird at all, right?

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2016, 12:29:25 PM »
People who moan about the weather really wind me up!
AS IF this is the first time it's ever been cold in March.

Even worse, when they post a moan about the weather as their Facebook status!  They're the main reason i have to 'hide' so many posts on FB every day.

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2016, 12:33:15 PM »
People who moan about the weather really wind me up!

Uh oh.........that's me. Actually, it's not the weather exactly.....it's that the rain keeps closing the golf course.  >:( >:(

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Re: The moaning life
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2016, 01:25:24 PM »
WOW SoS!!!!  I am always so grateful when a neighbour takes a package in for me.  I can't imagine acting so entitled!!

The thing is....and believe me I am grateful that they are quiet and well-behaved people....the way she opened the door....she actually wore.....and I have always thought of these as sort of an almost mythical middle-class English sartorial shibboleth....a long string of pearls....knotted. And when she said "Ohhh......", with the pause....she actually clutched the knot in the string of pearls and sort of stepped back....like I might infect her Boden-flavoured world...

It's true, I was not dressed to go calling. I think I had on my gumbo cooking outfit....a ratty Wikiwatchee Springs t-shirt and saggy sweatpants...a "kiss the chef" apron.....and I had stuck my feet in my wingtips which were by the door (no socks)....but still.

I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair. - AOC

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