Hi all,
I'm young and want to start saving for the future. I have several questions as this is my first time, sorry for being a newb!
From what I've read, I need to invest in a fund which is domiciled in the US but reports to HMRC, and there are lists/online resources to find such funds. I also understand that for some reason ETFs are easier to do than index funds or mutual funds (correct me if that's wrong).
I'm looking for a diversified fund to which I can contribute regularly (ideally monthly). Is an ETF something that I can just transfer money to regularly and buy more shares of? Or did I get that wrong? If so what would be a good alternative?
I've also read that many US funds made it difficult for expats to open accounts with them following regulation changes.
Can anyone recommend a firm that takes on new expat clients?
Thanks for any and all advice!