Yeah GBK don't put fillers in. But o have never been particularly impressed by them.
Yeah I didn't think GBK was that special/fantastic. I felt like it was overpriced and you ahd to pay for
all the extras - even more than you'd normally expect like a small bit of BBQ sauce on the side. I did go when it first opened where I was living what feels like ages ago now, but I just didn't really feel the value for the money. There wasn't any special taste to it or anything that made it exceptionally better than any other burger.
I still prefer the taste of 5 Guys here, to be honest. It's
sooo expensive [extortionately more than in the US, I know], but I just remember that I'm not paying for all the extra toppings and it helps ease the pain a bit! Plus, this is a rare treat for us, we don't eat it on any type of regular basis. I've tried Byron Burger as well and it's not bad either and their Courgette Chips are pretty great if I do say so

Maybe it's just me, but I remember my mom making hamburgers with eggs and breadcrumbs! Maybe it's an Italian-American household thing because that's how you'd make meatballs, but I don't find that part weird about burgers here. I just hate when they are automatically well done. I like mine as moo-ing as possible! lol