Does anybody know where the £18,600 figure came from? Was an independent study done to get to this figure? Or do we think it was a finger in the air type of calculation?
From the fairly new (at that time) welfare payment called Tax Credits. The poverty level for a couple on that is about 18k and the 18,600 was set just above that to stop a spouse claiming that throught their Brit/ILR spouse
Orignally they talked about making this finanacial requirement just over 26k, the Tax Credit poverty level for a parent/s with one child, but settled on the lower couple amount.
The Tax Credits income based benefit was badly thought out and is getting replaced with the new one welfare payment called Universal Credits, under the Welfare Reform Acts. This will also correct the many anomalies of Tax Credits to bring all income benefits under the new, stricter rules.
With these changes and other benefit changes set to be in fully by about 2022, together with the two child limit for welfare claims that will make other countries like Germany, France and Sweden more attractive to welfare claimants (planned long before the EU Leave vote), I was wondering if this 18,600 will needed then?