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Topic: Strangle NIN format / 00 X0 00 00  (Read 1679 times)

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Strangle NIN format / 00 X0 00 00
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:26:21 PM »
Hello all.

I applied for a NIN some days before. Today I received a letter that says my NIN is this format:

00 X0 00 00 (0 = numbers, X = letter)

Tried to use it in some forms and this is not valid!

Please could you please tell me what is going wrong?

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Re: Strangle NIN format / 00 X0 00 00
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2016, 12:26:55 AM »
I believe what you have there is a temporary NI number issued by HMRC.

A regular NI number has the format   LL NN NN NN L

Where L= Letter and N= Number.

You should be able to get help here

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Re: Strangle NIN format / 00 X0 00 00
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2016, 02:09:59 PM »
Hello guys. Thanks for the help.

I contacted the helpline for national insurance number through telephone. They told me that this is neither my NINO nor a temporary one.

Is just a Tax Reference Number that they use internally to refer to me. As I asked why it is mentioned as a "National Insurance Number" in the paper, they answered me that this is a "mistake" because they still use the same templated for the letters they send.

So there is nothing I can do and I still wait my NINO in the next month.

Thank you for the help, I hope I also helped you with the answer.

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