Well we are back! We ended up staying thre for 3 weeks instead of 2, and i had very limited internet so I couldn't check in much!!! We entered Chicago and my husband had his "interview" - - and i put that in quotes because they didn't even ask him questions! The didn't want his chest x-ray either, so we got to keep that as a souvenir. We went to the immigration desk as normal (as a family we went through the nonUS line. we wanted to stay together as our son was fractious, and the didn't care.) The guy at the desk took davids envelope and had us sit off to the side while someone opened it up. They called us to the desk oh, 3 minutes later? Had david put his fingerprints onto a form (which he also signed) and said "welcome to the country" - and that was it! He got his green card in the mail yesterday - at our US address which is my parents address. They are fed-exing it to us today! So we got the green card (which is apparently beige with a bit of green on the back) just less than 3 weeks after his first entry into the US. !! He stil hasn't received his SS number yet, but I'll call them tomorrow to see if there is a problem about that.
So! We're back, and have 6 weeks to get everything sorted, we're moving exactly 6 weeks from today! We love the area - haveing 3 weeks there (living with my brother and his wife) was wonderful, we really got a taste for the place. Can't wait to move now!