My husband may have a job offer in Edinburgh and we are looking into schools. My daughter will be 14 in January and if we moved this spring she would go into S2 and then S3 in the fall. In the US she is in 8th grade now and will be going into 9th.
I am looking for advice on state schools vs. private. How does a good state school differ from private? Do state schools have extra curricular activities? I've heard in state schools kids are teased or bullied if they answer questions, etc, so I worry that this could happen.
If we wanted to come back to the states after a year would it matter if we did state vs. private? Although my husband's salary would be very good for the UK, I still worry about spending almost as much for school as rent because we will still have some US expenses since we will be renting our house and have some credit card debit and a car payment.
Thanks in advance for any info you can provide!