I grew up in Tx so good margaritas are a must!
Thank you for that website!
It's so hard to miss family events. All my family live in TX, they almost never come to NYC to visit
We get to see them about 2x a year and we're committed to making that happen from the UK as well. (we've included budgeting for our flights plus one imaginary child into our budget sheet haha). I miss bday parties and anniversaries etc here in NYC so I'm used to that. The hardest part for me I think will be visiting friends. My core group of college friends kind of scattered (Seattle, Dallas, Denver and me NYC). We all get together once a year in a different city and that may no longer be possible unless I can get them all to do tx forever and combine it with a family trip haha.
Enjoy your trip to CO! Best of luck traveling with the kids as well. One plus about living in a different country is your kids are well traveled at a young age! I still meet people who have never left the US as adults which is crazy to me