So I have buried my head in the sand and have completely missed filing. (I know, I know.)
The last time I filed was in (gulp) 2010. I have a NY drivers license via my parents' home address. Will I need to complete 2010-16 both federal and state? (Oh, ugh!) Or might it be acceptable to catch up for say, the last three years?
I own my flat in London, have only earned income here in U.K. (below the earned income exclusion), no need for FBAR, and have only a small bank account in the US (for cocktails/shopping -- less than $2k).
I know nothing of tax laws, and would even be willing to pay someone to clean up my mess, if need be, particularly if it were to equal the cost of online tax tool filing. Just fearful of the repercussions, as I need to renew my passport asap!
Bad me, I know!
Any help gratefully received.