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Topic: Low Carb foods  (Read 3492 times)

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2017, 02:38:04 AM »
Is this just a granulated/powdered sweetener?

Hi. Truvia is erythritol, stevia, and a small amount of cane sugar. They say it's 75% fewer carbs than an equal amount of cane sugar.  Here's a link to their product web page


hope that helps!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 02:42:14 AM by Nan D. »

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2017, 03:07:17 AM »
I was looking for a comforting drink tonight, and thought of white hot chocolate. I left out the honey, only using a few drops of stevia to taste, and blended with a stick blender. This was very good! https://elanaspantry.com/white-hot-chocolate/

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2017, 07:58:51 AM »
I was looking for a comforting drink tonight

Me too, Margo... I just kind of made mine up as I went along...
I heated up some unsweetened almond milk in a pan, adding mixed spice (all those cinnamony, nutmeggy flavours) and a splash of vanilla extract, along with sweetener (I use xylitol).  It was absolutely gorgeous!  :)

I've got a bottle of sugar-free white chocolate flavour syrup at the back of the cupboard... I need to fish that out and try it with almond or soya milk.

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2017, 04:07:38 PM »
I bet that syrup would make some killer cookies..... :D

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2017, 08:57:14 PM »
I'm a low carber too (6 years now) and I find it incredibly easy to stay low carb while in the UK. Anything I can't find locally, I can get on Amazon.

And the amazing dairy products... OMG!

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2017, 09:43:01 PM »
So I got a talking to by my doctor last week. Being low-carb isn't enough, she says. I have to go low fat. So I told her my diet WAS low fat, and she sent me to a nutritionist... who said my diet was fine for fat and carbs, but that I should add more fiber and avoid refined grains.

I guess I can now have grass and water for breakfast. With a side of horse-feed.

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2017, 10:09:52 PM »
That's weird.
Everyone I know who lives low-carb does LCHF (high fat)... everything slathered in butter and amazing flavoured fat bombs to add MORE fat to the diet!

I struggle to see how it would be possible to do LC low-fat, since most low-fat foods have added sugar or starch to replace the fat they remove.

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2017, 11:31:57 PM »
That's weird.
Everyone I know who lives low-carb does LCHF (high fat)... everything slathered in butter and amazing flavoured fat bombs to add MORE fat to the diet!

I struggle to see how it would be possible to do LC low-fat, since most low-fat foods have added sugar or starch to replace the fat they remove.

Hence grass and horse-feed. With a chaser of water.

Apparently my liver has a bit of, not a lot, but some fat in it, and that needs to go away. So I'm dieting. And I have been cooking extensively "from scratch" and using spices and herbs to try to make things palatable. We do almost no refined flour, except in the form of a pre-packaged low-carb flatbread or no-carb brownies (as a treat), etc. We do almost no refined sugar, as there's a relative living with us who has diabetes. I'm currently on about 1,100 calories a day and pretty much took the doctor's head off when I heard that "lower your fat intake".  My cholesterol levels were 212.  In the past, when I've been not under stress and when I ~WAS~ living on cheeseburgers and pizza, my cholesterol levels were well down and without fail I was congratulated on what must be "my healthy diet choices."  So they shunted me off to the nutritionist who said to put chia seeds and flax seeds in my oatmeal for breakfast every day.

I've been on low carb, minimal sugar, egg-whites-only, whole-wheat-horsefeed muffins for the better part of a year and it's 212 and I'm hearing that same d####d lecture on "eating properly" that is just irritating the heck out of me.  >:(

Someone's gonna get a basket of whole grain muffins thrown at them the next time I hear that!!!

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2017, 01:44:10 AM »
Hence grass and horse-feed. With a chaser of water.

Apparently my liver has a bit of, not a lot, but some fat in it, and that needs to go away. So I'm dieting.

Wow :(

Have they checked your thyroid & pituitary, and of course for the more common diabetes? Without healthy fats you can't eat enough calories and that puts your body into an inflammatory state. I live with chronic pain, and I'm almost positive I either lack enough enzymes to properly digest it or somewhere else in the pathway my body is saying "nope" to sugars and they cause me more pain, but even when eating huge amounts of fat on a ketogenic diet my #'s were "the best possible" and I literally had no inflammation markers. My thyroid & kidneys went "nope" to ketogenic after a few months, but w/ about 100g of total carbs or less a day I keep the extra pain at bay and everything else happier.

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2017, 02:59:27 AM »
Wow :(

Have they checked your thyroid & pituitary, and of course for the more common diabetes? Without healthy fats you can't eat enough calories and that puts your body into an inflammatory state. I live with chronic pain, and I'm almost positive I either lack enough enzymes to properly digest it or somewhere else in the pathway my body is saying "nope" to sugars and they cause me more pain, but even when eating huge amounts of fat on a ketogenic diet my #'s were "the best possible" and I literally had no inflammation markers. My thyroid & kidneys went "nope" to ketogenic after a few months, but w/ about 100g of total carbs or less a day I keep the extra pain at bay and everything else happier.

Definitely not diabetic, thyroid tests fine.  I'm to use olive oil liberally, though, if I would like to. And have lots of fish that I cannot afford (at 17dollars a pound, I'm not having salmon three times a week!).

I've been doing some research. My vitamin D levels are extremely low. They had me on 1000mg of supplement, and it wasn't doing much. So I'm doing 4000mg a day and seeing what that does.  I've found some research that says low vitamin D is correlated with higher cholesterol levels. Mine aren't terribly high - just barely over the threshhold, but given what I'm eating they should not be. And I'm not about to take Statins for something like this unless things turn south rapidly and drastically.  It will be interesting to see if the Vit D makes a difference.

I've also doubled the amount of oatmeal I have for breakfast to 1/2 a cup. Thankfully, I really like oatmeal.... and it's supposed to be helpful. At least this is just a "borderline" thing and not something really serious. I'm hoping to keep it that way.  ;)

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Re: Low Carb foods
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2017, 01:25:56 PM »
I've heard there's a pop-up 'Paleo Canteen' in King Tut's... I assume this is at lunchtime.

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