Due to the legal status of the US home office and the UK EMEA office of my company, they are totally different business entities. The whole EMEA operation is conducted as a separate legal entity from the US company.
This means that I was not eligible for an ICT (intra-company transfer) visa.
While I am here at my company's pleasure (or at least their consent), I am in the UK on a Tier 2 General visa.
Some background:
In 2008, I was working for a bank.
Working for a bank in 2008 was not a good place to be.
Made redundant (aka "!aid off"!) and had a dream of making something exciting of it all.
Moved US West coast to East coast, re-connected with colleagues of the 1980s, and got a job with a company that had EMEA operations. Ducked my head down, did the work required for my position (if not more) and made known my desire to move overseas.
The net result is that I am in the UK, looking at getting my ILR (indefinite leave to remain, equivalent to a US Green card).
Getting here and staying here has involved hard work, a bunch of $$, and figuring out what the UK office needs and making sure I satisfy that need. It has not been easy, but it is has been predictable, plan-able, and I am looking at permission to be here permanently.
The effort to get here has had a cost, but all dreams have a cost. If you want to move to the UK, research and figure out what is required. And "Get 'er Done". And don't gripe about the cost.
England is an expensive country. Petrol at around USD 6.00 a gallon. If that causes you to reconsider, then... reconsider.