Hi all.
We are getting down to the last of it, collecting all our supporting documents for my spousal visa. One of these required docs is the letter from my wife/sponsors parents granting us permission to live in their second home/flat. Our question is how much or how little information should we include in this letter? The parents UK citizens with dual US Passports and who spend all but about a month in their US apartment, so they are kind enough to let us occupy their one bedroom UK flat for our transition to the UK. Questions are, in the letter ...
Should we state the amount of bedrooms?
Should we state that parents are NOT living with us, especially since it is a one bedroom? (This is in fact the case and would not want to be refused for "overcrowding" or some strange reason.)
Should we state the parents US address?
Should we say that we will be the sole occupants?
Or is it better to say they ARE living with us? (Would not want to lie on the application but they are going to retire to this flat in a year, at which time we will be moving out for all our sanity.)
May be over thinking this but for obvious reasons want to get it all right the first time....
Thanks in advance for the help. Could not be getting though this without all of you....