This is not an easy task. We are working on moving our Cockapoo and I have looked at
all the options and am working on a big post once we get to the UK (assuming we do). Anyhoo here are some links that might help if you dont have them already... and for others who dont..
Below I mention going though France. Basically Air France will let you fly with your pet in cabin economy if its below 17 pounds including the carrier. Then you gotta make your way to the UK....its an option if you cant bare to be separated from your small pet.
If anyone knows of anything I am missing please let us all know....!!!!!
First off a link to the UK government website that explains what they want you to do. I understand the process coming from the USA since we are not an EU member we need to provide upon entry a “Third country official veterinary certificate.” Your pet must arrive in an EU country within 10 days of the certificate being issued from a USDA certified veterinarian. If you go the route of France then to the UK as mentioned above this is the only certificate you will need. (Hopefully “Brexit” will not change this but as of this writing they UK is still EU.)
The USDA has laid out all the steps for getting your pet ready on the USA side.
To UK: France: brief rundown of the steps are…
1-Get your pet microchipped with an international ISO chip.
2-Must be vaccinated for rabies. This is VERY detailed. Read it.
3-Pet must wait 21 days AFTER the rabies vaccination to enter UK.
4-Have a USDA accredited vet issue complete and sign the EU certificate.
5-Have your local state APHIS office sign and seal the EU certificate.
6-Dogs must be treated by an accredited vet for tapeworm between 1 and 5 days before entry into UK.
7-You need to fill in a declaration confirming that you aren’t going to sell or transfer the ownership of your pet.
Thats all.... yea...