I'm afraid we have a misunderstanding about what it means to live in a monarchy. The Royal family are chosen by God! They don't need visas. AFAIK, the Queen doesn't even have a passport.
I'm certain what'shername already has a diplomatic passport personally signed by the Queen.
I accept the likelihood of this. My objection is to what they're telling the public. Give her all the special privileges you want to, but don't then turn around and tell the rest of us that she has to do it the same way as the rest of us. It demeans those of us who
are doing it the right way.
But Lyonaria might be right. I looked at the timeline between announcement and the date they set for the wedding, and perhaps they saved announcing until her visa was approved.
Still, I challenge the royal duties. I still think that should be classed as work. If it's Prince Harry's "job", then it's a job for her too, whether they're married or not. They're already describing her as a royal, and they're appearances she's obligated to make in that role. It's a job.