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Topic: Split: showing financial support  (Read 1194 times)

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Split: showing financial support
« on: December 13, 2004, 10:06:20 AM »
I'm loving this, thank you very much for posting the timeline, it will be so handy when we start this process in a year or maybe two...I have a question which may have been answered before.  In terms of support does the petitioner need to have a job offer in the US or can the profits from sale of house count?  I'm confused by how to "show" financial support, because I have no assets in the US, nothing...nada.   

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Re: Split: showing financial support
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2004, 01:27:23 PM »
Hi there. :) I split this post so that more people would see it and could help out. I (US) had no assets of anything in the US either, and even though my husband (UK) had a job offer in the US they ddn't care about it as we had a joint sponsor. The joint sponsorship was prof in itself that we'd have the support we needed so they didn't care about his job, they just trusted us to sort ourselves out since they had a way to make sure we didn't leech public funds - our sponsor. I don't know how to go about using a UK home sale in the process as we don't have a home that we own here, but several other people who have gone through this recently have sold their homes and I hope someone can chime in and give their experiences. :)
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: Split: showing financial support
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2004, 03:42:11 PM »
I'll be waiting to hear as well, as our house sale is what we will be using solely for financial support. No job waiting for either of us. I believe MelanieB recently did that, but not sure if it was their only means of support.

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Re: Split: showing financial support
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2004, 08:25:24 PM »
I am one-of-the-others who used the sale of our UK home as assets...

I'm the USC, hubby the Brit.  I'm a full time house wife and hubby did not have a permanent job to go to.  And, I was the sole sponsor (no joint sponsor) so I sponsored DH strictly on our assets, which primarily was the sale of our house.

If you look on the instructions for the affadavit of support, it will give you information on what kind of assets can be used.  You can use the proceeds of the sale of your UK house. 

Our house went on the market in April 2004, simultaneous with filing our 1-130.  By the time we had our interview at the Embassy in August, our house was under contract, with a completion date set just 10 days after the interview.  Also, very important:  you need the written proof from land registry that you are the rightful owners of your property and have the legal right to sell it!

On our interview day, we brought a copy of the contract of sale, land registry docs and letters from our solicitor about the completion, to show that it was all valid.  He was very happy with this and didn't even question it.

However, if you were planning to use the proceeds of the house and it was not yet sold, I believe that per the I-864 instructions, they would require a written valuation from an estate agent to prove the value of your house.  (More than one valuation probably would not hurt...)

I hope this helps.  Let me know if you have more questions.

Please note that the rules are changing constantly.  Always double check information on the Embassy website.
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