I agree that you don't notice certain products because they're not in your diet. This is particularly true since now I'm a mom and shop for lots of kiddie stuff, and I never noticed some of the more obscure British products. I'll have to make a point of looking for Branston Pickle for DH...
I've always loved baking, though. I'm sure those unwrapped Kisses are something new in the last eight years. And I probably missed them on trips home because they seem to be available only at the holidays.
I couldn't help myself at the store yesterday and bought a package of them; the recipe for those cookies is right on the package.
Ironically, I spoke to my cousin who said she's bringing cookies, the Kiss ones, over to my house on Friday. So of course I told her my little story about how excited I was finding unwrapped ones. etc, etc. I asked her when they started to do that and she didn't know you could buy them that way!
We had a chuckle out of it and I felt a little less out of place.