My husband (UK) and I (US) lived together in Japan for four years. We got married while in Japan as well. I had to leave Japan in a hurry (my mom was dying,) so I only had time to have our marriage certificate translated.
Here is what I have to prove we lived together:
*Tenancy agreements for both flats we had
*Phone bills. We had separate contracts, so I have bills in my name for each address, and bills in his name for each address.
*Our internet bill, for both addresses, which was always in his name.
*Gas bills in my name, only for the second flat.
*Electric bills for both addresses. First address was in his name, second one was in mine.
I was planning to use the tenancy agreements and cell phone bills for proof of living together. But they need translating. I'm going to send the tenancy papers to my former company in Japan, since they do translation work, and the papers are quite detailed.
As for the phone bills, I'm wondering if I need to have the whole things translated... The address of course is in Japanese, but like... do we need every single line on every single bill translated? The pertinent info is actually in English... month of issue, billing period, due date. I could translate the address myself. Would that be enough?