I would add the following comments to those of theOAP and Guya.
For the period from May 2017 you need to look at the split year rules. See the guidance starting at paragraph 5.30 of HMRC’s SRT publication. It is likely that you will end up being treated as being UK resident (and therefore liable to UK tax) for the period from your arrival in May 2017 to 5 April 2018, under the split year rules. This is as contrasted to being UK resident from 6 April 2017 to 5 April 2018.
You need to register as self employed and for self assessment, for which you need a National Insurance number and a Unique Tax Refence. It can take some time to obtain these, so you should start now if you do not already have a NINO and UTR. There are also time limits by which you need to have registered, after which you will be liable to penalties.
You should also familiarise yourself with the cycle of UK tax payments and requirements to make payments on account.
You will need to calculate your profits in sterling terms.
Once you have got to grips with the above, you would then wish to look at the implications for US tax, and in particular the FEIE.