Nobody knows for sure what will happen with Brexit.
If a deal is done with the EU, the nature of that deal won’t be known until the 59th minute of the 11th hour, so we’re pretty much all in limbo until then. One thing is certain and that is what we end up with will not be as good for the country compared to what we have now as a full EU member. Sadly, none of the main political parties have the guts to admit that the whole thing is an unworkable shambles and adopt a full ‘remain’ position.
As others have said, the outcome is highly unlikely to impact current policy re spouse visas. But it will likely lead to a period of economic downturn - how long and how deep that lasts is anyone’s guess, but an optimistic viewpoint is that businesses and the markets have already factored these things in so the ‘shock’ won’t be as bad as some people believe.
The government, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have planned for anything, so I’d expect disruption in the public sector at a minimum.