We have not met in person. I'm open to the idea of marrying but upon probing the idea my girlfriend seemed much less willing towards the idea.
Well, there's still the "signifant other/unmarried partner" Irish option. Potentially.

Complicated, but possibe.
Otherwise, if you have an Irish parent or grandparent you can get Irish citizenship and live in the UK or Ireland. (Or anywhere in the EU, really.) Any chance of that? If so, it's relatively easy to do.
Failing all, you're going to have to have a skill that the UK needs. Nursing, or other medical professional would get you a ticket in, most likely. "Ordinary Guys" who work entry-level jobs are not the kind of people that the UK wants to allow in. (Except temporarily to do menial work for short bursts.) Just like in the USA.
Sorry to not have better options for you.