I don't need to apply for my FLR until March 2019 but I want to be prepared. I've read through a few posts but I'm getting confused because some are saying they're doing FLR then they're listing ILR requirements. I'd rather have my own post with answers from KFdancer & Ksand24 than just upset myself with confusion (no offence to other experts here, these are just the 2 people I remember answering my questions from 2015/16).
I do understand about the "Proof" side of things --- statements, marriage cert, employment letter, etc
My questions are:
1. Do we have specific links for the FLR(M) paperwork?
2. Am I sending my expired passport along with the new one? I renewed before it expired as it would've expired whilst in process of getting initial spousal visa in 2016.
3. Can I sent spouse's passport instead of copying every page? We're not going anywhere in the 1st half of 2019.
4. Will I be sending 2 new passport photo's of me?
4a. Will I be sending 1 new passport of spouse?
P60's normally come out in April but I must reapply in March.
5. Do we send a 2017 P60?
6. Do we try to get an early 2018 P60?
Someone posted they were sending a "Life in the UK pass certificate" as part of their FLR.
7. Isn't this test at the end of the 5 years?
8. What do they mean by Declaration?
9. What do they mean by Correspondence?
10. Where do I go in this country for the Bios & fingerprinting? I'm in Liverpool area
Lastly (& I'm sure you're thinking "phew" lol) I remember reading when I did the initial spousal visa in the US that when it came time for the 2nd part I could pay extra if I wanted "same day decision" & could take the application (& all paperwork) directly instead of posting.
11. Is there a Same Day Decision option?
12. Is it done at Sheffield office? Durham office?
Can't say for definite if I would do same day but would like to know as a backup plan in case of any emergencies.
Thank you for all the help you give us all ---we greatly appreciate it.
And thank you for your patience in answering a lot of the same questions over & over again ---we greatly appreciate this too.