Something just occurred to me - as someone on a UK spousal visa, do I have any responsibility to respect the 90-day Irish visitor visa when I enter Northern Ireland after landing in Dublin?
Last year when I was in Northern Ireland as a visitor, our immigration solicitor told us that if I entered via Dublin, I needed to make sure not to overstay the Irish 90-day visitor visa (in addition to monitoring the 180-days-in-12-months UK visitor stay).
Now that I’m on a UK spousal visa, I don’t have to leave the UK, but if I’ve entered through Dublin, could I risk overstaying an Irish visitor visa?? I’ve shown them my BRP each time I’ve entered, and they‘ve written ITNI (In transit to Northern Ireland?) on the passport stamp, but I want to make sure I’m covered. DH is an Irish citizen too, and I may eventually qualify for citizenship through marriage, so I don’t want to screw anything up!!
So far, every time I’ve entered via Dublin since getting my visa, I’ve always left again within 90 days. But when we take trips here and there, we fly from both Belfast and Dublin...I don’t want to accidentally get myself stuck on a 90-day clock and not realize it.
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