Albatross good luck on your journey, you’re doing great so far!
KFdancer sorry to hear about your friend
Margo I hope you sort out your stomach
Jfkimberly I can’t wait to see your house progress
My resolution is general but also really focused... make myself happy and put myself first. I’ve gotten so fat here, not even an over exaggeration and it’seffected me mentally and physically. I have a goal to lose forty pounds by my holiday in August, and another thirty or so by the end of the year. I’ve decided not to be walked all over at work/ maybe venture. Out for a new job. Focus on my family even more. Just love me more
Like KFdancer said, we also want to reduce food waste and stop spending so much in food bills. I used to meal plan for the whole week and get away with spending only £120 a month. This was pre kid living with us full time. But we’re so bad, we buy what we want when we want now. So I signed us up for hello fresh to try to give us variety and control over our food budget. It’s half off right now, but four meals a week came to about thirty quid full priced.
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