I have been in UK 30+ years, still on an ILR and happy with that.
I have worked for almost all that time with a university (USS) pension, used to be final salary but they dumped us off that a few years ago. I was in my last job 18 years and got let go in 2017
. I could have taken early retirement but didn't want to. I got a new job
but they have started me on a pension with Legal and General. The company contributes, so it seemed good to take it, they don't seem to treat me any different cuz I am American. Probably they don't know what a pain we are financially (small company).
My question is, how do I get financial advice, without opening too many cans of worms?. I think maybe understandably, I have flown under the radar for a long time since I came here when computers. email etc were kinda new! But I gather that i.e. starting anew pension may be a dumb idea for me, not least because I am American.
I have other money issues, but thought I would try to figure this one thing out and see where it takes me!