I am a dual UK/US citizen, recently returned to live in the UK after 20 years in California. I am hoping for some feedback related to income reporting for US domiciled/UK reporting fund investments – particularly with Vanguard, recommended to avoid UK and US offshore tax issues. I already hold one of these, an S&P 500 Index fund ETF, VOO, as an example.
I have questions on excess reportable income – income retained and not distributed by the fund. The amounts may be small for ETFs like VOO, but must still be reported to HMRC. Funds should provide information to investors, but from what I read, that is not always the case. I looked for information from Vanguard and for US funds, I found this report -
https://advisors.vanguard.com/iwe/pdf/TIDQAUK.pdf [nofollow] This 2017 document dates back to the year ending in Aug 2016. Vanguard also referred me to my broker, Charles Schwab, who could only tell me the 2017 report is the latest they are aware of.
Has anyone found more recent income information for Vanguard US domiciled UK reporting funds? Or are there other sources of information – I assume Vanguard must produce data to remain compliant?
I don’t think I can assume the excess reportable income for 2017 and beyond is zero in every case although most US ETFs do distribute nearly all income I think. So another option could be to make an estimate of excess reportable income - possibly over reporting, but avoiding the prospect of filing an amended return later.
Or am I missing something obvious? I tried calculating from annual reports, but could not replicate the data Vanguard has published to date (which may just be my poor understanding of the way excess reportable income is accounted for).
I am considering more use of these funds, but this lack of UK reporting data has me concerned about the overhead.
Thanks for any feedback on investing in Vanguard or similar funds.