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Topic: The new digs are just about ready!  (Read 3321 times)

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The new digs are just about ready!
« on: May 02, 2019, 06:40:33 PM »
So the Daughter planted up my new 60 litre aquarium for me this afternoon. I think she did a lovely job!  ;D I told her what I wanted (an Amazon stream bed), and showed her some pictures I found online, and pointed her in the direction of the compendium of aquarium plants online to pick some suitable for our type of tank, lighting, and substrate, and this is the finished product. We took the bus out to Pets At Home and, with a £5 off coupon I got all the plants for a great price (a lot of them were on sale) and got another moss ball for the little tanks as well.

Now to give it a week and then Big Bertha and the Boys, and several of the babies, will be moving in. I do hope they like it. The only thing I worry about is that filter is really pumping water out and there's a good current up towards the top of the tank. I haven't figured out how to turn it down yet....

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2019, 06:44:47 PM »
Beautiful!  :D

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2019, 07:17:55 PM »
Very nice! You'll have some happy fish :)

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2019, 07:47:31 PM »
I hope so! The tank they are in now is 1/3 this size, and really just barely big enough for BB &Bs, and now that there are 9 babies growing, it just wasn't going to work.  She really did a nice job. Very artistic, that kid. Me, I'm a mechanic. I got the table put together (it's all very level right now, and sturdy, and waterproof), and she did the decorating.  ;D

I hope the plants will be ok in there. We got the special substrate for plants. (Have never used it before, just gravel or sand.)

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2019, 08:42:07 PM »
So, the tank is STILL cycling. On the good side, there is now a solid nitrate reading in there & almost no ammonia showing up in the testing. The nitrites are still way high, but I think they are coming down. As soon as the ammonia is 0 and the nitrites are 0 it'll be safe to put the fish in.  So, the plants are all good. I had put in the dirty filter from the little tank to help "seed" the big tank with bacteria. Looks like I seeded it with a bit more. I was sitting there, bleary-eyed, drinking my coffee this morning and noticed a little white dot on the black sand, and it seemed to be moving. So with the magnifying glass I took a closer look.

Yep, little "Rambo" the cory larvae is in there, doing his best to eat and become a proper cory! Oh, heavens, and I'd been vacuuming in there, and dosing the  tank with various chemicals, and doing water changes without heating the water up first, and the poor little thing has been in there the whole time!  I dropped an algae sinking wafer in there where he was hanging out, in case he can't find enough phytoplankton in there. (There may not be much, the tank has only been cycling for 11 days.) It's dissolving but he's on the other side of the tank tonight. Hopefully he'll find it. He's so small he'll go through the mesh on the aquarium net I've got, so there's no catching him to put him anywhere. Can't actually put him in the brood net with the other babies, he's way too small.

So it looks kinda like plan B is going into effect here. I'll be doing partial water changes every day, checking the chemistry, and then by this weekend I've got to put some of the smaller cory babies in there so Rambo has someone to school with. Or he'll become socially deficient as a cory. (They learn their fish manners at a very young age.) Hopefully he'll still be alive and will have grown some by then, because he's still very small and I'm not entirely sure he's not going to be a hors d'oeuvre!  :o

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2019, 06:17:05 AM »
Tough little guy, you've named him well!  ;D

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2019, 05:36:35 PM »
Yeah, I haven't seen him again. But there are a lot of places in there for a 5mm fish to be hiding.

I hope Rambo's ok - I had to do a massive water change and get the babies in the tank this morning and hope he didn't get sucked up in the siphon. The small tank had an ammonia spike and we lost four babies. So five for sure are alive and in the new tank, and one is AWOL. He wasn't looking good this morning, but I put him in the new tank and cannot find him now. Which probably means he's crawled in somewhere dark to die.  :\\\'(

Anyway, Big Bertha and the boys are recovering in the small tank. When both tanks are stable I'll be doing a little switching out of who is where. But for now, here's a photo of some of the babies in their new home.

Edit:  I was correct - I found the littlest one who was poorly. S/he has found a dark little cave under the big log and is resting in there. S/he's still breathing, so there's hope. Her/His gills were pretty red and inflamed, so it could go either way. Either by tomorrow the little dude/dudette will be a lot better or a lot worse. It kinda goes that way with ammonia poisoning, in fishes. It's not  a nice way to die. I feel really badly for the little thing.  :(

Edit to Edit: And at almost midnight, the little thing is out and swimming happily with its siblings, so all is well for him/her after all.  ;D
« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 02:49:35 PM by Nan D. »

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2019, 12:54:57 PM »
Yay!!! Happy for the little fish to be okay! It was a whole up and down story!

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The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2019, 02:53:12 PM »
Yeah, still no sign of Rambo, yet. Though he could be in there months before we spot him again. The littlest one that was poorly is doing great and has already started growing again! (see photo, fish on the right)

The little guys are all settled in, so now I just have to wait until the tank is "cycled" enough to be able to put Big Bertha and the Boys in as well without over-taxing the filter. Should be soon....

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2019, 01:08:30 PM »
We saw Rambo a couple of days ago - definitely alive. Tiny, but turned pinkish-white and looking like a tiny fish. All the other corys are in with him/her now. And Big Bertha and the Boys have bred like three times in the last ten days.  :o  Fortunately, as long as I can scrape the eggs off the glass, they become fish food. She's taken to hiding them on plant leaves now, though.

I have ~never~ had an aquarium where the fish are so ready to make more fish!

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2019, 09:22:55 AM »
This thread has been like an intensive course in aquariums for me, with a chemistry lesson and adventure story thrown in. There’s also the makings of a joke about home schooling in there somewhere.

I got my first (and only) fish as a child by winning him at the county fair, throwing a ball into his little goldfish bowl. “Practice your casual cruelty!” the sign didn’t say…

I have ~never~ had an aquarium where the fish are so ready to make more fish!

Evidently you and your daughter have created a very romantic environment.

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2019, 09:46:44 AM »
Well, we created something.   ;D

I should have posted more about the chemistry. It's been quite an eye-opener for us.  The water here in Glasgow is so soft, and so lacking in minerals, that the "nitrogen cycle" crashed and we are back at the stage of trying to get it restarted. Basically it goes - the fish put off nitrite and ammonia. Some of which gets absorbed by the plants, who are happy to have it, but the rest sort of floats around in the water. Both are bad for the fish. The higher the concentrations, the worse - nitrite can interfere with the fish's ability to use oxygen. So the solution to that is to get the nitrogen cycle established. There are bacteria that eat ammonia and convert it to nitrite, and other bacteria that eat nitrite and produce nitrate. Nitrate, in low quantities, is harmless to the fish. The plants will eat it, and it'll get flushed whenever I do a periodic water change.  Having a stable cycle going in the tank also stabilizes the pH.

Unfortunately, although our tank was going great guns for a while there (ammonia dropping, nitrite dropping, nitrate stable) over a period of a couple of days that all just stopped cold.  After much research and fiddling with the chemistry test tubes, it turns out that the pH of the water is too low to allow the bacteria to thrive. These particular fish are ok with it, but not the bacteria.  The bogwood in the tank is just making it more acidic, too.  Some of the plants are not doing well and had to come out - the mossballs went first. The grassy stuff - well BB and the boys root so much that they keep de-planting it, so it's being replaced with something they can't do that to. I had hoped that the grass would have been more established, as it was in there weeks before the fish just so it could have time to root properly, but alas, it's not working against the collective bulldozing power of BB&B.

I've had to find some dolomite (an alkaline mineral) and some crushed coral to add in to it. That has raised the pH slightly, but it's barely on the bottom of my measuring chart and tends to fall back below it if I don't keep a daily eye on it.  I have to be extremely careful to make sure that the pH doesn't rise too quickly, too, so it's kind of a trial and error as to knowing how much to add.  In the meantime I have a big bucket in the kitchen with dolomite and water in it, and the pH on that is much higher as it minerals disperse out into the bucket, so I can use it to mix with the replacement water I add to the tank every few days to try to bring the pH up slowly. (Too fast and Big Bertha and the Boys would suffer.)  Over time the log will stop causing so much of a problem, but for now I have to test the water very few days and try to bring it up to a minimum standard.

The neons in the little tank that was Bertha's former home are doing much better. The water is sparkly clear, has had a few lumps of coral mixed in with the sand, and has a measurable pH. They are displaying and acting just as neons should do.

This is all very weird to me, because I've lived almost all my life in places that had extremely hard, mineral-laden water and I've never had to deal with water so much the opposite.  I've actually sent off to Tesco for a few litres of still mineral water to add to the small tank, to see how that works out. (The pH on the Tesco water is 6.2 on one brand and 7.something on the other. It's the minerals I'm looking for.... at least it's cheap!)

Everybody does that to their first goldfish, don't they?  ;) 8)

« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 10:02:31 AM by Nan D. »

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2019, 09:57:17 AM »
You're a very fast writer!

I keep being reminded of that joke,
There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water?”

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Re: The new digs are just about ready!
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2019, 10:00:57 AM »
last clocked at 85wpm.....

cute joke.  ;D

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