That's a little bit of the problem. I've been trying to get in contact with my local branch, and having absolutely no luck.
When I call my local CAB branch, I'm usually in a phone queue. Which I wouldn't mind, but -
If the queue is already 5 people, the call is automatically hung up as the system does not allow more than 5 people to be waiting in the phone queue.
If you are in the queue for more than 12 minutes, the call is automatically hung up as the system does not allow you to be queuing for more than 12 minutes.
When I call, I either encounter the first scenario where the queue is full and I'm advised to try to call back later. Or, I am able to join the queue (today I even got to queue position 1!) but the call automatically ends because it took me 12 minutes to reach queue position 1.
There's no way to get in contact on the website (online form, email contact), and the physical location is by appointment only.