I'm not bothered by the tax rates. I live in London. We have no children so no use of benefits or social services there, and use the NHS very little. I don't mind, taxes are what they are. I'm fairly left-leaning I think and believe that those taxes, if spent well, go to benefit us all no matter our personal choices or personal use of them. I imagine we'll become more of a burden as we age and hope that those benefits and social services will be there for us then. Even if we don't need them, income tax and the collection of them helps the country and nation and I support, and vote for parties, who may raise our personal taxes to fund programs which help those less well off.
What I do mind is the stamp duty on housing. It seems like a London tax. Our jobs are based in London, we live in London, we have the smallest property of all our friends, and our stamp duty was 88% of the average yearly UK salary in the year we purchased our flat. That's incredibly painful. I understand London living was our choice, but it doesn't feel like much of a choice when our jobs and families are based here and living further out (we'd never be under the stamp duty threshold in the SE of England) would mean unreliable, expensive transportation (annual season ticket over £5,000 per person) and less work-life balance due to incredibly long commutes.