All change again this year. The postcard sized 1040 of 2018 is no longer postcard sized for 2019. The 6 new additional schedules of 2018 (Sch. 1 to 6) have been combined and reduced to only 3 for 2019. There is no additional schedule simply for a foreign address, as the foreign address is again part of the main 1040/1040-SR address section.
The new 1040-SR is for those aged 65 and over. As far as I can tell from a quick glance at the form, for the expat filer over 65, there really is no difference between the two. The 1040-SR is in a much larger typeface. Such innovation! We await further input regarding differences from the professionals.
Accounting wise, the two forms appear to flow much more logically, like 1040s from older days (pre- TCJA).
For those using commercial software who are under 65, there should be no noticeable difference between 2018 and 2019. For those over 65, you may be asked to select between 1040 and 1040-SR.
Will last minute legislation (SECURE ACT 2019) alter the forms?
EDIT: forgot the forms!