It'll also be a good way to help jump-start the economy after it stalls out. (Apparently it did help in the '08.) Pretty much, as I understand it, the economy stalling is inevitable as things stand. I believe that for every $1 they give a citizen, approximately $1.55 of economic activity is produced down the line. I used to work with a bunch of world-class economists and they tried to explain it to me, back in the day, but I'm hopeless with numbers. What I took away from them was that the govmt gives people the money, they spend the money, either on essentials or on "toys" (non-essentials such as eating out, travel, new clothes, phones, whatever) the supply chain is activated to source/produce/transport/sell those items. That means someone has to be paid to do each of those things. It's kind of like priming the pump on an old-fashioned water pump. You put a little water down the pipe to help seal it so that when you crank on the handle the water will be drawn up.
But you already knew all that, so nevermind.
I wouldn't wish the Covid on anyone. But if there's any silver lining in this at all for me, personally, it will be that any payments I receive will help fund to cost of us getting back home. I now have an irrational desire to just be "home" where everything is familiar. Even if the idiots (who know who they are) are now fueling a run on guns and ammo.
Ok, well, maybe not quite right away.