I've applied for UC nonetheless
As said, you must not take Public Funds as that is a breach of your visa. If your husband can take Public Funds and is low income and has savings/capital below 16k, doesn't own property that he isn't living in (in any country) then he can have the Universal Credit benefit, but he cannot take extra benefit money for you.
e.g. for the housing element of Universal Credit, if he is below the age of 35, that will only be the Shared Room rate (less his income, savings etc). He cannot take the higher couple rate as you must not take Public Funds.
so that I can prove to my landlord that we have made the necessary steps etc. particularly as I have a feeling she will try to push us out.
Only the court can tell you to leave. That can take months as LL has to send you notice (and ensure this has been worded/applied correctly, or they have to start again) then apply to the court. You can pay some off the rent owed to invalidate that claim and then the landlord has to start again. You have the right to attend that hearing too, to ask to stay in the property for longer ( there are organisations that will advise you on this) and that might be granted.
But in the end, even many months later, the courts will eventually allow the LL (or the lender if the property is being repossessed) to have the property back.