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Topic: Repatriation and taxes  (Read 1211 times)

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Repatriation and taxes
« on: January 06, 2005, 02:48:15 AM »
Hi all,
   Its been awhile since I have posted.....we are now back in the states, hubby got his green card, we arrived in July....anyway, my question is this....Doses my hubby, a UKC, need to claim wages earned in the Uk on our tax forms for 2004, I know I need to claim what I earned there before we moved back and we both need to claim what we have earned here since moving back, but wasnt quite sure....actually I say he dosent because he is a resident alien, but my dad ,who is "tax king" in our home says otherwise...just recieved my state tax forms today.., which started me on this quest...I thought I read the answer to this last year in this forum, but couldnt find it and dont remember the answer....any answers to this would be much appreciated...
Thanks in advance,
Balto, to Notts, to Balto again!!!!

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Re: Repatriation and taxes
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2005, 05:40:44 AM »
Im not a pro at this but I'll tell you how Im attacking this same situation for my 2004 returns.

Im not declaring my UK income from 2004 and Im not declaring any 2004 income from the UK for my husband. In otherwords Im not filing tax returns. We didnt earn more than the 80k limit so Im not fussed. We also havent earned any 2004 US income at all.

If you earned any US income at all in 2004 you'll have to declare that. Technically I think we should declare all foreign earned income regardless if we will qualify for the exemption. I think its more of a curtesey though - they have nothing to tax either of us (my hubby and I) on. I think for new residents in the USA they must only declare US earned income within the tax year for which you are filing and any foreign earned income they made since they became a resident. All legal aliens must file a tax return for both foreign earned income and US income from the time they become a resident.

Its all quite sketchy and the IRS dont seem to get irritable when you dont declare your foreign earned income. So its up to you really. I cant be buggered! lol Maybe Im not the best example or advice lol

Anyway the IRS website is going to be your best bet. You can also call their helpline which is anonymous.
Me (US/UK), DH (UK/US), DD (US/UK)
US > UK (2001, 3 years) > US (2004, 16 years) > UK (coming soon)

Specialist in UK > US Immigration via Direct Consular Filing (DCF), Founder of Dive Into America (2003-2020)

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