Hello all -
I am not due to apply for my FLR till Sept. 2022 but I am still nervous and currently processing all the necessary paperwork and documentation to make it easier when the time comes.
2 questions for you -
1. I filled out a "dummy" application online and one part asks about children. I have none of my own and my husband has a 14 year old daughter who lives with us. He has sole custody - his ex-wife is a loser who hasn't seen or spoken his daughter in years. He has no contact with her whatsoever.
The problem is even I though I check off that my partner has sole custody, they still want "Evidence of where Miss XXX other parent lives - such as utility bills" . There is NO way I will be able to provide that . Any suggestions how I can get around this problem?
2. Any suggestions on when I should apply if my BRP runs out Sept 2022? I'd like to wait as long as possible so I can time it with my ILR minimum requirement and not fall short needed another visa.
Would early August 2022 be reasonable to you?
Thanks in advance for your help.