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Topic: Finally...I can Apply for My Fiance(e) Visa!  (Read 1449 times)

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Finally...I can Apply for My Fiance(e) Visa!
« on: July 05, 2020, 09:35:41 PM »
After a year setback, I am now able to apply for my fiance visa. What a long road it has been. :/ We're gathering our documents to apply hopefully in 2 weeks.

I have some questions:

1. My fiance has a decree absolute we'd need to provide. Does this need to be the original? Or can it be a copy of the original?
2. When I go to submit my application and pay the fees, can my fiance pay using his credit card? Or does the payment have to come from me since I am the applicant?

Thanks in advance. More questions to come as we go through this process.
==Beginning my journey (work in progress)==
Date of fiance(e) visa application: July 11, 2020
Date of biometrics: July 20, 2020
Date documents sent to NY Hub: July 21, 2020
...more coming soon!

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Re: Finally...I can Apply for My Fiance(e) Visa!
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2020, 10:05:55 PM »
1. A court copy works just fine - we weren't charged for one last time either. These are stamped as originals
2. Fiance can pay with his credit card, no problem :)

(Finally two that we can answer confidently! :D )

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Re: Finally...I can Apply for My Fiance(e) Visa!
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2020, 01:49:02 AM »

Okay so fiance visa application is filled out but we're not submitting it just yet, as my fiance and sponsor is waiting for a letter from the letting agent/landlord showing I can live there/flat is adequate size, etc, as well as a letter from his employer. We're hoping to get these letters within the next week to keep within 28 days of application submission date. Those docs having a 28 day rule is within 28 days of application date, right? Not biometric appointment date or date documents are sent?

Other questions:

My US passport. I know I need to scan/photocopy it. I read somewhere unofficial I scan everything, the covers, the inside covers, ever single page. Is that the case?

My fiance wants to bring the application's supporting documents to a center near him in England. He does that after I go to my biometrics appointment and get the stamped paper I attended that appointment, because he has to include this stamped paper, right?

Sorry if these question are dumb. We had a long Skype call this afternoon and we were going over the order of things here. We've been through so much the last year we want to ensure we do this part right.

Thanks! :)
==Beginning my journey (work in progress)==
Date of fiance(e) visa application: July 11, 2020
Date of biometrics: July 20, 2020
Date documents sent to NY Hub: July 21, 2020
...more coming soon!

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