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Topic: FLR(m) documents  (Read 1242 times)

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FLR(m) documents
« on: July 09, 2020, 08:31:11 AM »
I applied 28th of March and I was FINALLY able to book an appointment to a centre closer than 60 miles away, for nearly a months time from now! I am now going into the notorious full panic mode. Now that the easy part is out of the way, I now have to make sure all of my documents are correct. I know I have too much, please help me lose a bit more here! A bit of background, husband is British, I have my son (from a previous relationship; never married to my sons father), and a British daughter. All names on application where needed; do they all have to go to the appointment with me or just my son?

Going based off of the categories on the UKVCAS website:

- 2 years of mail addressed to my husband and I (I won’t list this because I’m sure about this one already and if it’s incorrect, it’s all we have, plus I’ve emailed it to my caseworker already)
- letter from letting agent providing proof that we can stay here
-rental agreement
Tenancy deposit protection certificate in both our names
-tenancy acceptance letter with details on when it commenced and how much rent is
-our initial council tax bill after moving (dated October) in both names


-I didn’t add my employment on my application, but the way my caseworker worded things in the email it sounded as if they wanted my income as well, but as I did not add it to my application, I explained that in the email and did not send it. Should I download it anyway and explain the confusion in my cover letter?

-Tax code notice letter for April ‘19-‘20
-6 months of payslips
-6 months bank statements (caseworker asked for 12 months of this and payslips so I’ll download 12)
-letter from bank explaining statements are authentic
- husbands contract
-letter from husbands employer

-Marriage certificate
-custody paperwork of my son
-son's birth certificate
-Daughter’s U.K. birth certificate
-my birth certificate
-passports (mine, my sons, my husbands) 
-BRP cards

-Signed consent forms(Am I right in thinking that I sign part 1, husband signs parts 2 and 3 as we have a joint bank account and such, and he is the sponsor? Also, for whatever reason, it showed 3 separate consent forms, all containing the same information. Do we need to sign all 3? Does this need to just be dated before biometrics appointment or should we have signed and dated right after applying?)
-my initial UKVI acceptance letter from ‘17
-my son’s initial UKVI letter^
-Optical statement showing my sons information and address, dates beyond the 90 days catch
-NHS letter with my sons information from dec ‘18
-my son’s bank statement dated within the 90 day catch
-our daughter’s bank statement dated within the 90 day catch
-NHS letter ‘18 proving daughters address
-Cover letter

-what needs to be added here?

- letter from the council regarding home education for my son.

Anything regarding my son, such as court orders and such, do they get downloaded under his name, my name, or both?

Am I missing anything?

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Re: FLR(m) documents
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2020, 09:15:57 AM »
I applied 28th of March and I was FINALLY able to book an appointment to a centre closer than 60 miles away, for nearly a months time from now!

That's great news :).

A bit of background, husband is British, I have my son (from a previous relationship; never married to my sons father), and a British daughter. All names on application where needed; do they all have to go to the appointment with me or just my son?

I would check with the centre where you have booked the appointment.

It used to be that the sponsor had to go as well (before UKVCAS took over), but some of the UKVCAS centres are quite small so they have said only the applicant(s) can attend as there isn't room for the sponsor as well. Also, with Covid, I assume they will want as few people as possible in there.

_________________________________________________ ________________________________

Regarding your documents, they're a bit of a mess at the moment and a lot of the documents are in the wrong sections, so I'm just going to rearrange them for you:

- Sponsor's UK Passport
- Your BRP
- Your son's BRP

- Your US passport
- Your son's US passport
- Verification Checks Consent. Page 1 signed by Applicant. Pages 2+3 signed by Spouse.
- Family Declaration of Spouse

-rental agreement (you do not need a letter from the letting agent if both you and your husband are named on the tenancy)
-our initial council tax bill after moving (dated October) in both names
- 2 years of mail addressed to my husband and I

-6 months of payslips - usually 7 months are needed to cover every single day of the 6 months
-6 months bank statements (caseworker asked for 12 months of this and payslips so I’ll download 12) - YOU SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDING 12 MONTHS - you are applying under Category A, which only requires 6 months (or 7 months to make sure all 6 months are covered). If you provide 12 months of bank statements, you must also provide 12 months of payslips (the only reason bank statements are included is to verify the payslips)
- letter from bank explaining statements are authentic
- husbands contract
- letter from husbands employer
- husband's April 2020 P60

- Cover letter if you want to include one
- Marriage certificate
- custody paperwork for your son
- son's birth certificate
- son’s bank statement dated within the 90 day catch
- daughter’s U.K. birth certificate
- daughter's UK passport
- daughter’s bank statement dated within the 90 day catch

You leave the following sections empty as they are not relevant to your application:

Documents you do NOT need are:
- letter from letting agent providing proof that we can stay here
- Tenancy deposit protection certificate in both our names
- tenancy acceptance letter with details on when it commenced and how much rent is
- any employment documents from you
-Tax code notice letter for April ‘19-‘20
-my initial UKVI acceptance letter from ‘17
-my son’s initial UKVI letter
-Optical statement showing my sons information and address, dates beyond the 90 days catch
-NHS letter with my sons information from dec ‘18
-NHS letter ‘18 proving daughters address

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