So i'm still trying to get my passport sorted
Calling the consulate gets me nowhere as there is no one that can put me through to and all I can do is email.
All of the emails that I send are still getting me no closer to getting even an emergency passport. I am not giving up on it though, I keep rewriting my emails in different ways in hopes that will not misread it with them thinking I am trying to ask the US Consulate for a UK visa.
In the meantime I have been working on getting all my documents together and get the application filled in. I don't want to wait until the last moment and they get it all together in a stressful rush.
This leads me to a question on the application form:
Do you or your partner have any physical or mental conditions which require at home personal care or medical assistance?
I have answer this as yes as my wife has physical disabilities that she requires care. I am her main carer with another carer that works along side me. My question is not related to that question it relates to the proof they are asking for:
You will have to provide a headed letter from a medical practitioner who holds either an NHS consultant role, or who appears in the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council. The letter must provide a private practice or hospital address and include full details of any medical conditions you or your partner have.
How specific of a letter are they asking for? Just her different conditions or why her different conditions require care? Should the letter also state that I am my wife's main carer alongside professional carers that come in to assist me?