Hi all,
I'm a UKC married to a USC, living in the UK. She's been living here for over a year now on her first Spouse Visa, works as an NHS nurse, and we remain undecided on our location for the long term future (5+ years from now), i.e. a move to USA isn't completely off the cards. I have a few questions for us which I've separated for ease of answering. I've done my best to research this forum first, so please excuse me if I've repeated someone's question!
NHS Pension Scheme
As an NHS nurse, she pays into the NHS pension scheme a fixed rate and the NHS contribute 1/54th of her gross salary to her Defined Benefit pension.
Firstly my perception of this is that her "payment" into the pension scheme is not a pension contribution, in the sense that she never sees that money again, and therefore there is nothing to declare/include in a US tax return. Is this correct?
Secondly, is the contribution from the NHS into the Defined Benefit pension considered an employer contribution? If so, my understanding is that it can be useful to declare/include this in a US tax return so that it is (in the eyes of the IRS) tax-free upon drawdown. Is this correct?
I've seen mixed messages regarding the reporting of pension employee and employer contributions, where they are reported within tax reports, or ignoring them completely due to the UK-USA tax treaty.
FTC vs FEIE for a USC in the UK
I'm aware of the FTC (Foreign Tax Credit) vs FEIE (Foreign Earned Income Exclusion) option for USCs. My understanding is that generally, due to the UK having greater income taxation, it is beneficial for the USC to select the FTC route. One perk of the FTC over FEIE is that it can be used on other income beyond foreign earned income, e.g. employer pension contributions, interest, dividends, US-sourced income. Is this correct? Can the FTC tax reporting route be filed using TurboTax?
Cash Lifetime ISA (LISA) for a USC
I'm aware of the punitive measures by the IRS on taxing USCs who hold foreign investments (PFICs), to the point where it's best to avoid this route. However I've considered the option of setting up a Cash Lifetime ISA for my USC spouse, who would benefit from the 25% government bonus on her LISA contributions each year. Surely the bonus & interest would be worth it even after the passive income taxation by the IRS? Not to mention that FTCs could be used to offset some of the tax due. Can anyone confirm or comment on this?