Getting your daughter ready to handle money is really a good thing for you to be doing. When my daughter was young, we were able to find a bank (Bank of America) in the USA that would give her a "student" account at age 14. (No other bank would do so.) She was given a debit card on it, and I put money in her account every month. It really was a good way for her to get used to budgeting. So many of her friends just frittered their pocket money away, but she could see where hers went every month by the statement. So I say Kudos to you for trying to help your daughter get on her feet and learn the skills they do not teach in school!
Thank you! Very similarly when we lived in Texas she had a Super Saver account where the local bank had saving accounts that if they put so much money into the bank put in a certain amount (VERY small amount but still). She loved it.
My main idea was to open a bank account for her that had a debit card attached. Just like I have as an adult, but after some googling, I didn't know if that was a possibility. I wouldn't want any overdraft and I would want her to be able to view her money just like I would on an app or website.
Hopefully by opening something of the sort not only will it help her understand finances a bit better, but would it have an impact on her credit score? Not sure when those really begin, but I want to start her with a positive note. Obviously in America as soon as you have a SSN you can have credit, but I am unsure how it works here.
I like KFdancers suggestion, but I am unsure if I want to pay a monthly fee (yeah I know I know, I am a cheapo)