No it’s not too late to file 19/20. You can do it all through your government gateway account. Or give those friendly folks at HMRC a ring on their Self Assessment helpline (0300 200 3310, if I remember rightly?).
Here in the UK, you only file a Self Assessment tax return if you meet the criteria: for example: self-employed, certain non-employment income, very high income, need to pay additional taxes not covered through PAYE, like HICBC, Capital gains, etc…
You don’t have to file an SATR in order to avoid double taxation, if that’s your only ‘need’ for filing an SATR.
This year (20/21), I need to file an SATR for the first time to cover some Capital gains from some US investments I’ve cashed out. They’ve also sent me a notice to file for (19/20) but I don’t meet any SATR criteria, so need to call them to get them to withdraw the notice

. But I digress…
You wouldn’t pay any penalties if you file by the deadline they send you (3 months from when notice to file is issued), but you would owe interest if you owed any tax.
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