My husband and I both tested positive for Covid in October.
We have since recovered and are back at work. We are flying to the US in December.
From what I understand, we cannot take a PCR test before we fly because we could still test positive for up to 90 days.
The CDC site says we need to get a letter from a healthcare provider or practitioner saying we are fit for travel.
Our GP absolutely refuses to do it, even after offering to pay them for their services. We have tried multiple Private GPs but they have waiting lists of 6 + weeks which is too late for us.
I have 3 possible options and I wanted to run this past you lovely people to see if you think these are viable.
1 - We just use our NHS recovery pass (it is a QR code in the NHS App just like the vaccine record) Some expats have said their airlines would NOT allow this. I asked my airline and they said “we have no idea”
2 - We maybe try a US doctor to write this for us? It doesn’t specify anywhere the letter has be from the UK.
3 - We just chance it and take a test
least preferred option. I feel like this is 50/50.
From what I have discussed with NHS, on our flight back we have to take a test no matter what to enter the UK, but they said if we do test positive we can show our NHS pass to explain the results.
Thank you for your help!