Thank you both, I have looked closer at the return and there is nothing about the stimilus checks within my sources of income, so I dont think it has anything to do with that.
@Barcrest It was £500 for Greenbacks and H&R Block with an advisor was £260. I guess you get what you pay for. The H&R Block people have not been helpful at all and its been very confusing.
I have tried looking at both returns to compare and honestly I just can't work it out. My best guess is it's something to do with the foreign tax credit? But I dont know how it was calculated and what it is based on.
The UK government did mess up my tax codes this year and I was being overtaxed at a new job and then somehow they overrefunded me on my December 2021 paycheck. However, I am slowly repaying that through each paycheck this year. I have a sinking feeling that maybe its connected to that. That they have calculated I should have paid more taxes to the UK government on my earnings but didn't, so now owe them taxes instead?
I'm not sure if this makes any sense to anyone else but I am just so frustrated and confused by this whole process. I don't think I have any choice but to pay the taxes and just move on.